隆力奇聚好与科蒂战略合作 开拓国内美妆市场

隆力奇聚好与科蒂战略合作 开拓国内美妆市场

 11月23日,科蒂&聚好FY21财年签约仪式隆重举行。会上,上海聚好信息技术有限公司与科蒂公司旗下个人护理品牌阿迪达斯签订2021年战略合作协议,共同开拓国内美妆市场。科蒂中国区总经理Guilhem Souche、科蒂大中华区首席财务官宫莉晶、科蒂中国区销售副总裁陈筠絜,上海聚好董事长、总裁徐之伟、副总裁崔建、顾晶晶、光善照等领导出席会议。
On November 23, 2020/Suzhou, China, the signing ceremony of Coty Inc(refers to Coty)and Shanghai Juhao Information Technology Co., Ltd.(refers to Shanghai Juhao) FY21was held. At the meeting, Shanghai Juhao signed a 2021 strategic cooperationagreement with Adidas Personal Care, a brand of Coty company, to jointlyexplore the domestic beauty market in China. Attendants are as followed; MrGuilhem souche, general manager of Coty China, Ms Gong Lijing, chief financialofficer of Coty Greater China, Ms Chen Junjie, vice president of sales of CotyChina, and Mr Xu Zhiwei, chairman and president Shanghai Juhao, Mr.Cui Jian, MrGu Jingjing, Guang Shanzhao, vice presidents of Shanghai Juhao, among others.



Meeting site


Coty is one of the largest cosmetic companies in the world. Its portfolioinclude perfume, make-up, skin care and body care products.Coty is a globalleader in fragrance industry, and its products are sold in more than 150countries. Adidas personal care series, as one of Coty's popular beautybusiness brands, enjoys a high international reputation.



XuDong signs with guilhem souche, general manager of Coty China

Groupphoto of signing the contract

At present, Shanghai Juhao new retail platform has become thelargest new retail enterprise of health and beauty products.


Speechby Guilhem Souche, general manager of Coty China

科蒂中国区总经理Guilhem Souche表示,此次与聚好公司签署FY21财年合作协议,将进一步联合聚好公司的优势资源,拓宽阿迪达斯个人护理品牌的线下销售渠道,实现阿迪达斯个护品牌个性化、差异化、多元化的发展目标,并携手聚好公司共同拓展国内美妆新零售市场。

Guilhem, general manager of Coty ChinaSouche said that the signing of FY21 cooperation agreement with Shanghai Juhao will further unite with shanghai juhao to advantage of resources, expand the offline sales channels of Adidas personal care brand, realize the development goal of individualized, differentiated and diversified Adidas personal care brand, and work with Shanghai Juhao to jointly expand the new retail market of domestic beauty cosmetics.

Mr. Xu Zhiwei said thatthe Adidas personal care brand realizes differentiated market competition withtwo bright spots of ‘sports’ and "Men" series, and has a strongmarket prospect. In this cooperation, Shanghai Juhao will make full use of itssales channel advantages to fully assist Adidas personal care brand to consolidateand strengthen its absolute leading position in the market share of men's bodywash brand, and the two sides will jointly promote the in-depth development ofthe personal care and beauty cosmetics market in China.